Sunday, April 1, 2012

Love of Espresso Art

Liberty Market I love You.
These fantastic little shots ( called Cortado) are like heaven in your mouth. Mark my words, I will be returning after Cash is born so I can get the real deal (no more decaf).
How adorable is the espresso art.
Sarah got a cappuccino
and I had the worlds best mocha. I can taste it now, YUM!

Sister time plus Cortado plus lots of laughs equals a great Sunday morning.
Now for the funniest part of the morning. After drinking a ton of coffee we had to hit up the restroom before leaving. Have you ever heard of a bathroom for both men and women? Well we found one and it was the most awkward thing we have ever encountered. At first we stood staring at these two men, horrified that we just walked into the mens room. Then a woman came out of a stall and started washing her hands which made us all the more confused. The awkwardness didn't end there. While I was in my stall someone started banging on the door (I thought it was Sarah) and I replied with a really stupid, drawn out YESSSSS! When opening my stall door I was not met by Sarah but two men staring at me. I was waiting for Sarah for what seemed like forever. Apparently her stall smelled from the person before her and she was embarrassed thinking that one of the men would think it was her. OMG, I have never laughed so hard. We started discussing the stalls, each was decorated differently. I was explaining that my stall made it look like you were riding a moped through the streets of Italy (which made us start to laugh again). We bolted quickly (before round three of giggles) due to a really strange man staring at us all the while blowing his nose (which strangely resembled a trumpet).
Sister Sunday are never short of laughs.


  1. Let's go back and share the cinnamon roll :)

  2. OMG!!! That is so funny and very strange. Never been in a place like that, so I think we need to see pics of what you were looking at inside the stall on your next trip back. I know, I know, it's a very strange request, but you've got my curiosity up. Glad you enjoyed your sister Sunday of fun!!!

  3. You two find the craziest thing on your 'Sister Time Sunday's' ......... maybe we should have a 'Mother/Daughters Time Sunday'. I could use a giggle fit.

  4. I think I need to come on one of your Sundays...
