Sunday, April 8, 2012

2012 Ledogar Family Polar Bear Swim

We went to the park to play this afternoon then decided to hit up Nana's house to see if we could find leftover Flapper Pie (sadly we found no pie). The boys (sweaty from the park) decided to get in the pool for the first swim of the year. Sarah and I thought they would get in half way, decide it was too cold and jump back out again. We were wrong, dead wrong. After about 15-20 minutes of them swimming, diving, and splashing around, we had to drag them out. The pool is COLD (64 degrees) I should know since I had to jump in up to my neck, fully clothed, to rescue a 4 year old that decided he was Michael Phelps. I may have jumped in too soon. He looked like he was struggling and had lost his breath from the coldness however after rescuing him I realized that he was not struggling and could swim just fine. Cash was not to happy, nor was I for that matter. It's a good thing it was 90 degrees out today.
So there you have it.....Landon, Brody, Cash and myself, were the first people in the pool for 2012.
The next time I take a dip in that pool, it better be at least 80 degrees.

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