Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wouldn't change a thing

 I started thinking about all the times I think to myself "that probably wasn't the right thing to do" and my conclusion was I wouldn't change a thing.
Like when........

 I am the only parent walking their 1st grader to class, holding their hand, and kissing them a million times in front of all their friends. Probably should stop that, but I won't.  He's 6 and he loves me.  
When he starts to get embarrassed I will stop.

When I am doing crazy dances/faces/ect to make my 4 year old take each bite of dinner.
I shouldn't be doing that. His tummy gets filled and he's happy, so it will happen again.
(I promise you I won't be acting a fool to get him to eat when he's 16.)

When a little, fussy, adorable baby wants nothing more than to be held, I hold him.  
When he wants in my bed to snuggle at night, I let him in.
I will continue to spoil him.  They grow up so fast and I will miss it one day.

When they say something they shouldn't and I laugh.
It will happen time and time again and I will not be able to contain my giggles time and time again.
As long as they know it was bad, that's all that matters.

When daddy says no to a treat and I sneak them one.
Shouldn't happen but it does.
One little treat never hurt anyone.

Parenting is a tough roll.
Kids are great at making you feel like a failure.  
But as long as my kids are happy and smothered with love, my job is done.
I will continue to mess up on a daily basis and they will forgive me.
I may let them get away with something I shouldn't have, 
and they will still grow up to be outstanding men.
My kids will have amazing childhood memories,
I wouldn't change a thing!

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