Motherhood can be many things..........happy, exciting, sad, and frustrating. Today I am making the choice to be happy. I was lying in bed last night with my guilty mothers conscious, wishing I could take back my short words when saying goodnight "goodnight, love you, don't come out of your beds because I'm tired and really done" My frustration soon turned to guilt when those cute little chubby arms wrapped around my neck and said "I love You". What a nasty way to put two little boys to bed. I had trouble falling asleep so I made myself an italian soda and watched "Sex and the City" for hours, it never gets old (especially when you are feeling like a boring, terrible, mom in sweatpants with broken nails) The night didn't end there. We had a horrific thunderstorm which meant I got to spend the rest of the night with two little boys in my bed. I think I got maybe two hours of sleep last night, I need a lot of coffee today and a lot of patience. I made my plans for the day and no matter what gets thrown at me.........Today will be a happy, fun, day. I never knew motherhood would be so complicated.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass....its about learning to dance in the rain!
P.S If you're reading this handsome, thunderstorms aren't the same without you =)
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