Friday, May 20, 2011

A day in the life (from a cell phone)

We started out the day with a dentist appointment for the kids. I am a firm believer in bribing, bribing, bribing. LOL. So after the dentist we hit up the mall (since there were no tears) to get a Starbucks and a new sprinkler. It was our lucky day, it was the grand opening of the Disney store and since we were one of the first 250 people, we got these very special hats. It was 80's day at school so Landon rocked the hightop sneaker and his totally radical flip glasses.
I snuck off to drive into the city (all on my own like a big girl) and meet my sister for a sister date to the Bodyworks Museum. While waiting for her I found these adorable old houses, old- fashion pop and a very creepy doll museum (don't even ask why I went in there).

On my way home I called my handsome sidekick and him and the boys met me at Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner.

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