Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm a work in progress

Lee and I are definitely perfect partners. We are very similar yet so different in many ways. I wouldn't trade my man for anything and I think he feels the same (most days LOL). We haven't always been as in sync as we are now. We have learned so much from each others differences, grown as individuals and as partners, and continue to work on our relationship as husband and wife. We are both similar in the sense that neither one of us is a needy partner,we are both very independent, and extremely hard workers. Today I realized just how much Lee has taught me. He has taught me to relax (a bit), that there is no right way to do things, and constantly striving for perfection is ridiculous. This morning was the perfect example of how my man has changed me for the better. Brody had his 4 year well check appointment so I asked Lee to please get him ready while I got myself ready (I'm a little slow moving these days). I looked out in the family room to find Brody standing there wearing navy sweat pants, a hideous Napoleon Dynamite worthy cobra shirt, black and white checkered fedora, a bandaid on his face, and the most hilarious hair do (I'm growing his hair out and we're in the awkward stage). I was mad for a minute or two, then decided to let it go. Did it really matter that he looked like Napoleon Dynamite's off spring?....no. He was happy, he was still as cute as ever, and his dad and I had a few good laughs about it. Life is too short to sweat the small things. Enjoy every day. Love those close to you and never take them for granted.
I was going to take a picture to show ya'll but that was a little too much for me. Like I said, I'm a work in progress =)

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