Friday, January 6, 2012

Lets think of the glass half full, shall we!

Highlights from the week:

Brody took part of his nail off and had a huge flapping gash. I don't know what came over me (I'm not squeamish with blood) but I almost lost it. A shaking 4 year old screaming that he lost his toe and blood making it impossible for me to see what really happened, made me hang over a sink for a good couple minutes. On the bright side....He didn't need stitches and I didn't pass out.

Landon gave up nap time for good, hooray for him! (reeking of sarcasm)

The kids did a little science experiment in their room, it involved a lava lamp and a foam nerf bullet. Bright side.........the house didn't burn down.

Lee bought me a new vacuum and he got it for $150 cheaper due to incorrect pricing. SCORE!

I bought a box of newborn diaper (insert squeal)

Made the yummiest easiest dinner last night. 1 jar hawaiian style BBQ sauce, 1 can pineapple chunks , chopped onion and chicken breasts. Throw everything in the crock pot and serve over rice DELISH!!!!

My HORRIBLE heartburn has cured my insatiable cravings for hot sauce.

We planned a snow trip that the kids have been talking about for the last week. Well....there is no snow in AZ right now. After spending an hour on the web and calling different places, I found snow. YIPEE!

OB says "so in 4 weeks you went from 134 lbs to 192lbs". Excuse me?, Come again? My weight is a little crazy but I am happy to say, it was an error.

The place I buy my photo albums from had an incredible sale, 70% off albums. The only problem was I had not started any albums and the sale ended this weekend. I stayed up late 3 nights in a row and completed 4 albums. I'm tired but the albums are done.

For some reason I thought the boys started back to school this Wednesday (we are leaving on Sunday for our snow trip). Well, I just received an email from Landons teacher saying "can't wait to see everyone back at school on Monday". Whoops! Bright side.....the kids get an extra day off and they go back a day earlier than I had thought, win win =)

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