Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to the best neighbor anyone could ever ask for

I have the most wonderful neighbor in the whole world and her name is Celeste. Everyone that knows my boys and I well, will have heard of Celeste. They think of her as family and talk of her often. She was the first person they had to go give their bead Christmas ornaments to, they think of her on every holiday. We are truly happy to call her our neighbor and our friend.
Merry Christmas Celeste

Celeste dropped a present for the boys at our door this evening and it was ripped into immediately.
She must know that these boys are crazy about dinosaurs. She most likely can hear the obnoxious dinosaur noises all the way at her house =)
another thing about Celeste...............She makes the most amazing Toffee and inspired me to give it a shot. My toffee came no where close to Celeste's, but I will keep trying.
In the months leading to Christmas I kept envisioning sitting on my couch with Celeste, sipping hot chocolate and snacking on cookies. The madness, the stress and illness this holiday season prevented that from happening. There is always next year or next month (it doesn't need to be Christmas)

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