Saturday, March 10, 2012

You know that you're REALLY pregnant when...

You go to the grocery store for salad, grapes and pizza dough. When you look down at your cart, you have chocolate soy milk, chocolate covered raisins, and chocolate protein bars.

You let out an uncontrollable grunt every time you roll out of bed or get off the ground.

Your hubby takes you to buy new underwear and loudly asks "will your butt crack be able to stay in these". He's a gem, I know.

All the senior citizens at the grocery store are now passing you up.

You make yourself a bed on the playground while the kids play (Win, Win, kids play I rest).

You go out in the backyard to catch a few rays and hear one of your kids mumble as they walk by "Ahhhh, gross!"

Every time you stand up, you have to pee (even if you went 5 minutes prior).

Your hubby calls and asks if you would be up for a day trip while the kids are on Spring break then says the only problem is he was thinking about Kartchner caverns and he's not sure if I'll fit. That was not a joke people, he was serious (news flash hubby, you will always be bigger then me).

Every time you put on something other then sweat pants, you get told "you look pretty, you got dressed today".

You bake chocolate chip cookies at least once a week.

Just Ninety some days to go =)

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