Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ledogar (Griswold) day trip

What is a necessity for every road trip?......a bag full of candy. Dosen't everyone eat candy during a road trip? Well not Lee, he thinks its ridiculous and the boys and I love it. Three against one, we won. We drove with a belly full of candy, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, kids played on the ipad and I wowed sexy pants with my civil war knowledge.

We found a dinosaur on our way, which made the whole trip worth while for the boys.
We then went to Kartchner caverns. So beautiful and the caves are amazing. The boys could have done without the 30 minute tour, but they still thought it was fun.

Brody found a mickey mouse cactus and wanted his picture.
I kid you not, when I got dressed in the morning I thought I had my belly hidden. When I saw this picture I burst out laughing. What I see and what others obviously see, are two completely different things.
This sign caught my attention immediately (how could it not). What could THE THING be? Maybe they found El Chupacabra!! An hour an a half and fifty signs later, I had convinced my husband that we had to drive the additional 50 miles to see THE THING. This could be an experience of a lifetime. Reluctantly he agreed (he always does).
When we arrived at the home of THE THING we instantly felt like it could be the perfect setting for horror movie. I started getting evil eyes from sexy pants. The dolls hanging on the wall were incredibly creepy (every good horror flick has the creepy dolls right??).
We paid the cashier and then proceeded through a set of doors and were told to follow the yellow foot prints. El Chupacabra here I come. My excitement was increasing all the while sexy pants sixths sense was telling him this was not a good idea.
We walked past a half dozen trailers and passed through 2 very strange tin buildings when hubby turned and yelled for the kids to stay close, glared at me and hissed through clenched teeth, "You drive me crazy. This is such a bad idea. Can you say House of a Thousand Corpses".
When we finally reached The Thing (it was a mummy) I too decided this was a terrible idea and we bolted. Hubby had his panties in a knot for a good 10 minutes. I honestly think he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he didn't marry someone as insane as me. I think I add a little spice to his life, he thinks I make him crazy. All it took was a good song on the radio, a little nipple tweak, and a story about climbing the ropes in gym class, to lift his spirits. He really does love my insanity (I know its one of the reasons he married me).

Tombstone was next on the agenda.

Hubby bought me a mood ring (brought me straight back to 1990). I love that man.

We found a reptile exhibit with all the disgusting desert creatures (really made me think twice about living in the desert).

Then headed home to play with our ginormous sparklers that we bought at a gas station.
Who wants in on the next Ledogar family adventure?

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