Saturday, February 25, 2012

Scenes from our Saturday

I woke up in a pile of sand thanks to Mr. Landon. I asked him last night if he washed his hair good, obviously not. I must have been so tired when crawling into bed that I didn't realize I was sleeping in a sandbox.
Every car they own was played with while I did the first load of dishes.
The boys must be loving that I'm pregnant. It means that they can make
chocolate chip cookies at 9 in the morning.
The backyard was filled with foam from their foam guns.
It's been really warm the past couple days (80's) so it called
for a little swimming (while mama worked on a tan).
Then some laundry and a tater tot snack. My boys have never tried tater tots
and its my new craving. Tater tots and hot sauce (num num).
This guys expression is how I felt once dinner time came. I dumped our entire dinner in the oven. It was the biggest mess I have ever had to tackle. Chicken and potatoes through the whole oven with a nice sticky Ketchup and sugar mixture all up my cabinets, across the whole kitchen floor and running into ever crack in the oven. Makes you tired just thinking about it right? It didn't end there, Brody spilled his milk not once but twice during dinner (which means the washing machine was started again).
It was a fun, exhausting Saturday. Brody and I are ready for bed, while Landon on the other hand is glued to some show he found on okie noodling (GROSS).

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