Friday, January 27, 2012


Hooray!!!....Its Friday.
I started the day out a little rough. This pregnancy might kill me. Who has insomnia while preggers?...this girl does. I had enough sleep to function, 9pm - 2 am but it makes for a very long day.
Warning: small grumpy tant ahead LOL
I desperately want my body back. I want to take medication when I get a cold, I want to drink a coffee in the morning when I'm sleepy, I want to sip some whip cream vodka when I feel like it and most importantly I want to take a scalding hot shower when I'm cold.
Okay, I'm done complaining (only 4 more months of this).
The boys decided to act crazy and fight for 20 minutes before school. All I kept thinking was I can't wait to drop you two off at school. After dropping them off I start beating myself up over my terrible thoughts. Besides being hard on myself I was looking like H-E-Double Hockey Sticks (hubby loves when I say things like this). Every once in awhile things come out of this mouth that make it very apparent where I came from. You know that song you sing as a kid, trick or treat smell my feet? Did you know that there is a Canadian version and a US version? Most of you will be wondering what the Canadian version is: Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat, not too big, not too small, just the size of Montreal LOL Funny right! This post is very random, back to today. After dropping the kids off, I hit up Starbucks and Target for a little quiet time. The woman behind me in the Starbucks line was talking about how she wanted to do several acts of kindness, so she paid for the person behind her. It made me smile and thats when I decided to turn my day around. I started wandering around Target with my Starbucks and found a pair of boots for $10 SCORE! After trying the boots on I went to remove them (easier said then done). I was killing myself laughing thinking about how ridiculous I must look, struggling with my big belly to get the boots off . My new boots inspired me to get out of the sweats and put some real clothes on.
When taking a shower I got out my new face soap and instantly thought of Nanny. The soap smelled just like her. There are three things I will never forget about her: The way she smelled (it was a combination of Oil of Olay and Aqua net), her laugh (she had the greatest laugh) and her blue hair dye ( she would color her hair with a box color that made her hair look blue). While putting on my make-up I realized that I now breathe like a horribly overweight person (little man is sitting really high), it was annoying me so much that I could barely focus. I picked Brody up, we had about 20 minutes before meeting Landon for lunch, so we played in the backyard.
While in the backyard Buster got into something and stained half his face orange (I have no idea what it is and it won't come off LOVELY) He looks sad right? He knew he was in trouble.
We met Landon for lunch at the park with subway, its our friday tradition.
While at the park I came to the realization that I do not think I could live somewhere without palm trees (they make me so happy)
and I love little boys (little boys rule and I can't wait for #3).
Brody fell asleep on the couch so I tried to get a little tan on these pasty white legs, it was unsuccessful (they almost glow in the dark).
Another Friday tradition is we eat breakfast for dinner. The boys played until they started getting tired, put their PJ's on early, then helped me make some chocolate chip muffins to eat with our breakfast dinner ( I love the zebra print wrappers).
We laughed, we made a mess and we ate muffins until we felt sick.
Then our full bellies settled in for a movie.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
P.S It's Sexy Pants Birthday! He's turning 32. I have no plans yet so I better get cracking!

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