Friday, December 16, 2011

This weeks simple and sweet

Quotes of the Week:
Sky-"Lee!!!!...OMG I can't button my pants. I need one of those belly bands from Target"
Lee-" WHAT!!!! Will that work? Do your legs fit in your jeans?" OUCH LOL

Brody-"Landon you have to be nice to brothers or Santa won't bring you any presents"
( my little master manipulator)

Landon-"Mom I had the worst day EVER"
Mom- "oh no what happened pumpkin"
Landon-" I already told you, it was the WORST day ever. I had PE and he made us run and do all these crazy things until I popped a muscle in my neck. I'm so tired I am going to go home eat an orange and go to bed. Oh....and I had to go see this lady that was teaching me another language. It was the worst day ever"

Highlight of the week:
Going to my girlfriends house for dinner. She's the greatest! It couldn't have come at a better time. The kids played forever, we chatted, and she made the yummiest dinner.

Awkward moment of the week:
Taking the kids to Chick-fil-a for dinner. I put them at a table while I went to order. They each had just bought a transformer at Target, and Landon was having a rough time with his. When I returned to the table one of the Chick-fil-a employees had joined them and was trying to figure out Landons transformer. I went and picked the food up, set the table up.......she was still there. Landon asked for his transformer back and she replied "I just love these things", still kept playing with it. Told the kids to start eating, noticed two boys looking over at our table laughing. Finished our dinner got the kids ice cream, Landon asked again to see it.....lady continues playing. Cleaned the kids up, cleared the table, got balloons for the boys, then finally the lady returns it and says "I don't know your going to have to get the instructions". Landon had it completed before he even got to the door. AWKWARD, is all I can say.

Happy Moments of the week:
Blowing bubbles in chocolate milk
The flippee arrived (yippee)
Watching Elf in bed with a giant bowl of starbust
Listening to Landon rehearse his first class presentation
Hubby bought me my first pair of maternity jeans (Feels so good to let the belly out)
Listening to the kids whispering while trying to find Honko the elf each morning.(Honko has been a bit naughty this past week)
Coloring pictures
Writing letters to Santa (ADORABLE)
Singing Christmas songs
Reading Christmas books

Laugh Out Loud Moment of the Week:
Landon making Brody laugh so hard that he peed his pants a little. This actually happens a lot, but it still makes us laugh ever time.

Every day is beautiful, don't let it get away!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful week. You have 2 very adorable, funny boys and 1 very fantastic friend......what more could you ask for......your one lucky lady. :0)
