Thursday, September 29, 2016

Love mom

I've been a bit sad lately thinking about the fact that I can not protect my kids from the heartache and sadness of the world and all the horrid people they will come in contact with in their lifetime. All I can do as a mom is guide them while they are young, talk to them about my experiences, and give them my advice (for whatever it is worth) in hopes that one day it might help them. I'm no life expert but I am living one heck of a fun/fulling/happy life. My hope is that my children grow up to live a life filled with love, laughter and adventure and forget the rest. Do not give any extra energy to things that you can not control in life, whether it be expectations of others, fears, materialistic things, or toxic people. Know that nobody is perfect, not you or I, and perfection is not anything to strive for. You will say things that are hard to take back and you will make stupid decisions. Try your best to be self aware, apologize when needed and know that it is never too late to recreate yourself. Love those that deserve your love and forget the rest. Most importantly, let your crazy shine bright my lovies